Sunday, December 9, 2007


So Im in an internet cafe on the island of Djerba in Tunisia as I type this - trying to use a French keyboard where the letters are in all the wrong spots! Tunisia is an amazing country - a cross between Europe and Arabia, the people speak both languages. They filmed many scenes from Star Wars and the movie The English Patient here. I have photos of camels in the Sahara and ancient Berber villages with huge Palm tree oasis surrounding them - now if I can only find a way to upload them! Will be going to Tataouine and Matmatar next, then the Roman ruins at El Gem on the way back to Tunis. Have been to Carthage to see the ruins of Hannibals empire - amazing stuff.

Prior to Tunisia hit in reverse order Rome (the Hilton Cavellieri is the best hotel in Europe I think), Venice (not much to do there but every scene is a postcard and a place everyone should visit once in their lifetime), Florence (old city), Monaco (rich luxury amazing boats), Nice and Paris per last posting.

Click below for photos from Rome, Vatican, St Gimignano ...


Click below for photos from Monaco (lots of racetrack corners!!!), Florence ...


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