Saturday, December 1, 2007

Venice - everywhere you turn is a postcard

Spent one day and one night in Venice and took a lot of photos - this place is everything they say it is and more. Every scene in this city is a moving postcard, and you cant help but walk around slack jawed at the beauty of it all. There isnt much to actually DO in Venice, but it is a city everyone should visit once in their lifetime.

We arrived on the train, which pulls up right on the edge of the city. There is a public ferry (Vaporetto) which leaves from right outside the train station headed for the Rialto bridge, and terminating at Piazza San Marco. The best way to get there in my opinion tho is to walk it - just head over the bridge and start following the signs to San Marco. This walk takes about 25 mins and leads you through all sorts of alleyways and over small canals - you really get a feel for the city by taking this walk, and making wrong turns! The pathway to San Marco is written on the buildings with arrows telling you which way to turn - we made a few wrong turns, but its easy to backtrack and get back on course if you do this.

The pigeons in Piazza San Marco are out of control. The brave tourists who try to feed them get mobbed. At night however, their demeanor changes at night however, where a bunch of them will huddle together for warmth and climb all over each other, oblivious to onlookers.

Venice inevitably reminded me of Disneyworld (canals, boats, old style architecture, but in this case REAL) - the situation would probably be reversed had I actually visited the authentic one first!

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